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Request: internet-tour
Topic: Internet-Tour-README
Document Updated: 27 Mar 92
Subject: How to Get and Install the INTERNET TOUR Version 4.0.2
How to Get and Install
INTERNET TOUR Version 4.0.2
The NSF Network Service Center (NNSC), a project of the Laboratories
business unit of the Systems and Technologies Division, has developed a
Tour of the Internet in HyperCard (TM) format for novice network users.
The stack has basic information including history, sample email, ftp,
and telnet sessions, and a glossary. The Tour is intended to be a fun
and easy way to learn about the Internet.
We have included a 'Local Info' section as part of the Tour. This
section is a place where an organization can add information relevant to
its own group of users, for example a listing of resources at that site,
or other, specialized information.
MAJOR DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Internet-Tour.sit.hqx and
Your Internet Tour is Version 4.0.2 if, and only if,
'Version 4.0.2' appears on the first screen of the Tour.
If you do not want to open the Tour, choose the 'Get
Info' command on the 'File' menu, with the 'Internet Tour
4.0.2' file selected.
1) Version 4.0.2 makes some technical changes in the
menu bar works during the Quick Tour, which most people
won't notice.
2) For those who take advantage of the 'Local Info'
section: Version 4.0.2 allows you to change the name of
the main stack.
This README document contains, first, instructions for installing
the Internet Tour, and then (for those who need them), nitty-gritty
details about FTP.
* * * * * *
The Internet Tour is a HyperCard (TM) 2 stack for Macintosh computers.
In order to run this stack, you need to have HyperCard 2. HyperCard
2 requires Macintosh system 6.0.5 or higher. In order for all the text
to display properly, you should have the following screen fonts in your
Palatino 18, 14, 12, and 10
Helvetica 14 and 12
Courier 12
The Palatino fonts are in the 'HyperCard Fonts' suitcase that comes
with HyperCard; the Helvetica and Courier fonts are included with
Macintosh system software.
The Internet Tour files have been compressed and saved as a StuffIt
1.5.1 archive, and converted to binhex format. In order to use the
files, you need to reverse the process. To do this, you need the
Macintosh application StuffIt 1.5.1 or StuffIt Classic. The files take
up about 760k when converted to their original format. (You'll need at
least twice that much space to do the conversion.)
Your have two methods of transferring the Internet Tour over the
Internet from the NNSC to your host computer:
1) If you have access to a computer that is on the Internet and
runs the 'ftp' facility, you can 'ftp' Internet-Tour.sit.hqx
using a text option; then transfer it to your Mac.
2) If you have access to a computer that can exchange email with
the Internet, you can send a message to the Info-Server on
nnsc.nsf.net. You will receive the file split into messages small
enough to pass through most gateways to the Internet. Use an
editor to reassemble the original file and transfer it to your
Mac. Both methods are described below, in detail.
Use StuffIt's 'Decode binhex file' option (on the Other menu). This
creates a new file in addition to the original one: Internet-Tour.sit.
Next choose 'Open archive' from StuffIt's File menu. Open
Internet-Tour.sit, and click the 'Extract' button at the bottom. This
will create three files: Internet Tour, Internet Local Info, and
Internet Tour doc.
Good Luck!
* * * * * *
(If you already know all this, just skip the rest of this message.)
You can FTP the internet-tour files from nnsc.nsf.net with a
standard anonymous FTP connection:
ftp nnsc.nsf.net
(If you are using the Unix operating system, the command 'ftp' must
be typed in lowercase letters. On other operating systems, it may be
either uppercase or lowercase.)
You will see a 'banner' and be prompted for your login:
Connected to nnsc.nsf.net.
220 nnsc.nsf.net FTP server (Version 5.59 Mon May 14 13:48:21 EDT
1990) ready.
Name (nnsc.nsf.net:yourname):
You should type 'anonymous', and then use the password 'guest'. The
password will not be displayed on your terminal.
Name (nnsc.nsf.net:yourname): anonymous
Password (nnsc.nsf.net:anonymous):
331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
To see the FTP commands that are available to you, type ? at the
'ftp>' prompt.
NOTE: Different operating systems have FTP commands with different
banners and commands. Your FTP implementation may not look exactly
like the one shown here, but it should have the same general
1) Type the 'status' command to check your file type.
ftp> status
Connected to nnsc.nsf.net.
Mode: stream; Type: ascii; Form: non-print; Structure: file
Verbose: on; Bell: off; Prompting: on; Globbing: on
Hash mark printing: off; Use of PORT cmds: on
2) Set your file type to ASCII.
The ASCII setting is the same as TEXT. This is the default.
Give the command
ftp> type ascii
200 type set to A.
3) Change directory to the 'internet-tour' directory:
ftp> cd internet-tour
250 CWD command successful.
4) To get a listing of the files in the internet-tour directory,
give the 'dir' command (usually equivalent to the 'ls' command on
Unix systems).
ftp> dir *
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
8 -rw-r--r-- 2 nnsc 7489 Nov 19 17:10 Internet-Tour-README
624 -rw-r--r-- 2 nnsc 629490 Nov 19 17:18 Internet-Tour4.0.2.sit.hqx
226 Transfer complete. ...
NOTE: You must type the file names exactly as shown. Unix filenames
are case- sensitive (i.e., it makes a difference whether the letters
are lowercase or capitals).
5) To ftp a file, give the command
ftp> get Internet-Tour4.0.2.sit.hqx
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for Internet-Tour4.0.2.sit.hqx ...
226 Transfer complete. ...
1) Send a message to 'INFO-SERVER@nnsc.nsf.net'. You do not need a
subject field. The text of your message must be in a special
format (this is very important), but it does not matter whether
the letters are uppercase or lowercase.
REQUEST: internet-tour Note: The 'Request:' was
topic: INTERNET-TOUR changed in Feb 1992.
request: end
'Request: nsfnet' tells the Info-Server to look for the topics
in the INTERNET-TOUR section of the Info-Server. 'Topic:
internet-tour' orders BOTH of the files about the tour,
'Internet-Tour-README' and 'Internet-Tour4.0.2.sit.hqx'.
'Topic: help' orders a file with information about other
'Requests' and their 'Topics' in the NNSC Info-Server.
2) If you want to order ONLY the file 'Internet-Tour4.0.2.sit.hqx',
put the following request in the text of your message:
topic: internet-tour4.0.2.sit.hqx
File: Internet-Tour-README; 2/11/92